Opinion Article: The Consequences of DUI While Mowing Your Lawn

It may sound surprising, but getting a DUI while operating a riding lawnmower is a real possibility. According to Arja Shah, a specialized DUI defense attorney, DUIs have been issued for operating unconventional "vehicles" like bicycles and golf carts. Therefore, mowing your lawn while under the influence can lead to serious consequences, including loss of your driver's license, jail time, and hefty fines.

The Hazards of DUI While Operating a Riding Lawnmower

Operating a riding lawnmower may not seem like a big deal to some, but it can be just as dangerous as driving a standard vehicle. According to the National Safety Council, riding mowers, and lawn tractors cause more than 35,000 injuries each year. Inebriated drivers are more likely to lose control of the lawnmower, thereby increasing the risk of accidents.

The Legal Consequences of DUI While Mowing Your Lawn

DUI cases are taken seriously in all states, and getting a DUI while mowing your lawn is no exception. Depending on the state, driving a riding lawnmower under the influence can result in significant legal repercussions, including:

  • Loss of driver's license and operating privileges
  • Jail time
  • Hefty fines amounting to thousands of dollars
  • DUI conviction on your record, which can negatively affect future employment opportunities and impact other aspects of your life

What to Do If You Face a DUI Charge

If you find yourself in a situation where you face a DUI charge while mowing your lawn, it can be a stressful and unsettling experience. The first thing you should do is consult with a specialized DUI defense attorney like Arja Shah, who has extensive experience dealing with similar cases. An attorney can review your case, provide you with valuable insights, and help you with possible routes towards a favorable resolution.

Preventing DUIs While Operating a Riding Lawnmower

The easiest way to avoid getting a DUI while mowing your lawn is to refrain from drinking alcohol while operating your riding lawnmower. If you still want to enjoy a cold beer while performing your lawn-maintenance duties, make sure to do so after the work is done, and the lawnmower is safely stowed away. You can also ask someone else to do the mowing or use a push mower instead if you know you've had a few too many.


As ludicrous as it may sound, getting a DUI while mowing your lawn can lead to serious consequences. The legal system treats DUIs very seriously, and it's crucial to take preventive measures and avoid alcohol consumption while operating a riding lawnmower. If you face a DUI charge, make sure to consult with a specialized DUI defense attorney like Arja Shah, who can provide you with valuable insights and help you find a favorable resolution.

Source: https://arjashahlaw.com/blog/can-you-get-a-dui-while-mowing-your-lawn/